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Participatie in out projects                                 Guests can participate in our humanitarian projects  by simply adding $20 for the purchase of a water filter. Guests can donate and distribute them themselves if taking a vehicle tour around Beng Melea Temple, Svay Leu Village and the Koh Ker temple area. Otherwise, the next guests that come in for tours in that area will provide the transport for your donation and hand it over on your behalf.  We track this  by photos and a spread sheet. Most popular tours for this are:

1 day VIP Koh Ker and Beng Melea  Temples,

1 day VIP Pure Koh Ker ,

1 day 4WD Preah Vihear ,

1 day 4WD Historic Anlong Veng , 

VIP Combo - Beng Melea Temple  & Kampong Khleang Fishing Community and floating village Combo,

Kampong Khleang Fishing Community Eco Tourism Tour  and

VIP Day to Beng Melea temple. See one day tours. Please contact us for information on all projects.

Corey Fields & Jamie McCleary, Detroit, MI, USA.   VIP Combo - Beng Melea Temple  & Kampong Khleang Fishing Community and floating village, Aug 31, 08  

A few words about our tour that day... it was simply the best day-tour I've ever done. As budget travelers, we had such a hard time finding opportunities to volunteer that aren't extremely costly. We simply don't have the money to spend thousands of dollars and weeks off from our jobs to volunteer in another country. What your company provided was the opportunity to make a difference on a day tour with an affordable amount of money.
The driver and cook were great, but I specifically want to praise our guide for that day - although I cannot recall his name. I know you know who I'm talking about. He was so knowledgeable and friendly - just perfect... we really enjoyed getting to know him over lunch (which was FANTASTIC Khmer food). Please tell all of them I said hello.




Hidden Cambodia Guest  Humanitarian Projects                                               Hidden Cambodia specializes in journeys that truly capture the soul of Cambodia,  both in the city centres and remote areas.  With a wide range of tours, some of  guests visit many rural & remote areas where they have an opportunity to really meet Cambodia’s people and understand more about their culture and way of life. 

Our guests continue to be warmly welcomed by local communities. In many areas, it is Hidden Cambodia Adventure Tours who has pioneered the tickle of tourists into so many locations such as Koh Ker, Preah Khan of Kampong Svay (also know as Preah Khan or Bakan)  Preah Vihear temple complexes, Anlong Veng, once the last stronghold of the Khmer Rouge and the west and northern borders  of the Kingdom.   

The warmth with which our guests have been received by small villages, rural areas, local officials, community leaders,  families, children and individuals alike has had long lasting impressions on our guests. Many have said their trip into Hidden Cambodia has been  “life changing”…..seeing a way of life so different from their own and with so many stark contrasts. For many, it was figuring out how they could give something back.. something that would benefit the community. Below are our ongoing projects that we invite you to be involved in .

Humanitarian Mission

Hidden Cambodia Adventure Tours guests support, in the areas that they travel to and that are in need of                                                                             

Areas: For 2019 - 2021                                                                                                                  Wter filters donation and distribution to rural villages .                                                          Well construction  & Water Reservoirs                                                                                   Solar Powered lights for homes, schools and  streets                                                     Support for  community start up schools  in pioneering small remote villages such as Ta Phra Village beyond Koh Ker village                                                                                                                 

Past: We had concentrated on the small community of Ker Ker, 10 kms from Seyiong, 150 kms from Siem Reap and  Phum Thmei, 4kms from Koh Ker village  in 2006 /2007,  to around Preah VIhear Temple  and the resettlement of those caught  in the conflict at the temple   in 2011 to beyond Svay Leu, ( 75 kms from Siem Reap) to more recently  the border of Preah ViIhear and  Siem Reap  province.

Over 4600 Water Filters Project in Preah Vihear & Siem Reap Province  Donated by guests, distributed by guests . Many families in rural areas do not have access to clean water and so Hidden Cambodia transports small mobile water filters when the 4WD goes out on tour.. Guests donate them and distribute them themselves or other guests help  distribute them on the  trip following.  This happen  in particular with the one day 4WD trips to Koh Ker temple.

Hundreds of donors. Donors include Michele Hallinan, Ireland, Tomas James and James Seymour, UK ,  Healy and Eileen Forestal, Ireland, Paul Minders,  Texas and Sydney and Jereen Van Marle, KL, Malaysia. Donors history sheet available.


First aid training missions in Koh Ker and Phum Thmei Villages, Preah Vihear province. In Feb, 07 a team of 5 medical staff from Angkor Children's Hospital, Siem Reap  travelled with Hidden Cambodia to Koh Ker village and Phum Thmei.  Over a period of 4 days and three nights,  staff trained 24 community members in first aid and prevention. Hidden Cambodia provided logistics & transport and was partially funded by a donation from Majella Healy and Eileen Poate, Ireland. The particular outreach program of Angkor Children's hospital was funded by a US donor.

Well Building in and around Koh Ker, Preah Vihear &  Siem Reap Provinces.  

Availability of water all year round has always been a problem for those in remote areas that don’t naturally have water near the surface that they can tap into. Sometimes, a dept of 70 meter is not unheard of and then water has to be tested to see that it does to contain any toxins. Getting funding, equipment  and manpower into these locations is often problematic. Photos of Hidden Cambodia efforts can be see at here                                                                                                                                                                     Well 1 Rick Crabtree from MN, US, (04) & the Kasper and  Vicks families from Canaddonated a well in Koh Ker Village, Preah Vihear Province which is now completed. History of the building of the wells can be seen  here. Well finished in Feb 05


Well 2 Deb Smith & Stuart Campbell  (left)  from Toronto, Canada )donated funds for well in Koh Ker Village, Sroyong Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province in Feb 06. Well  finished in Nov 06


Well 3 Eileen Forrestal and Majella Healy, Ireland (Oct 06) visited Koh Ker and donated well to Phum Thmei, Sroyong Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province   a remote village located 4 kms beyond Koh Ker. In addition,  they contributed 25 water filters plus funds for some smaller medial emergency projects. Well finished  in Nov 06.

Well 4 North Water Paddle Sports Equipment of Vancouver, Canada, Lindsey Merchant (visited in Dec 06), it's director and and it's customers have built a 4th well , located in Phum Thmei, Sroyong Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province giving this community of 75 families its second well. Well completed Dec 07.

Well 5  Donated  by Brain McCarthy &  Deirdre Dolan, Ireland and Tang Bing How, Qbian Pte, Ltd, Singapore.  Built in Phum Annlong Village, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province, about 5kms after Svay Leu, Siem Reap province,  on the road  to Koh Ker (about 80 kms from Siem Reap) .   Completed Sept 08.
Well 6  &  Well 7. Donated by the Villagers of Orston, Notts, England on Nov 08. Thank you to all the villagers who supported and fundraised. Initiated by a visit by Caroline& Lara Newton in 07.  Built in Phum  Anlong,  Phum Annlong Village, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province, about 25 kms after Svay Leu, ,  on the road  to Koh Ker,  about 95 kms from Siem Reap . Completed in March 09.
Well 8. Donated by One filter,  One Family & Ottawa International Airport, Canada.  Jeff Dean and Natalie Samson ran from Angkor Wat to Preah Vihear, 250 kms in five days, leaving Siem Reap on Jan 28th, 10. Hidden Cambodia provided all support. The 2nd night the group camped in a tiny village on road to Koh Ker & the head of the commune appealed for a well. Jeff & Natalie had planned on donating one but had not know where. Decision made.   Built in Phum Pyam , Phum Ankeng, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province.   Completed in Feb10.
Well 9 Donated by Russell Roberts, Athens,  Tennessee, USA  in July 09 following 2 visits by Thomas Roberts  in 2003 and 2008. Built in Thmeamcheat Village, Kantuot, Cham Ksan District,  Preah Vihear Province. New village 24kms from Preah Vihear Temple and settled by those displaced from Preah Vihear  Temple are -  the community that lived on the top of the the mountain and at the base of mountain,  Koh 1. Completed in Feb 10.
                                                                                                                                                           Well 10 Donated by David Arnold, Hartford, CT , USA after a tour with Hidden Cambodia in Dec 09,     Built in Thmeamcheat Village, Kantuot, Cham Ksan District,  Preah Vihear Povince. New village 24kms from Preah Vihear Temple and settled by those displaced from Preah Vihear  Temple are -  the community that lived on the top of the the mountain and at the base of mountain,  Koh 1. Completed in Feb 10.
Well 11. Anonymous donors who toured with Hidden Cambodia in Oct 09.  "Give, Expecting Nothing Thereof". Built in Thmeamcheat Village, Kantuot, Cham Ksan District,  Preah Vihear Province. New village 24kms from Preah Vihear Temple and settled by those displaced from Preah Vihear  Temple are   the community that lived on the top of the the mountain and at the base of mountain,  Koh 1. Completed in Feb 10. Feb 10.

Well 12
Donated by Lyndel Costain's English friends in memory of her father, Ewen Costain, Australia.  Built in  Phum Trapang, Svay Leu Commune, Siem Reap Province, near the border of Preah Vihear Province .    Both Lyndel and her husband visited in 2010 and stayed in Koh Ker lodge. Well completed in Oct  10.

Well 13
Donated by "The Cambodia Water Project"  and supported by friends of Ryan Snyder , Tokyo, Japan .  Built in  Phum Srayong Tboeng, Sreyrong Commune,  Kulen District, Preah Vihear Povince.    Ryan Snyder, a US teenager living in Japan,  is our youngest  donor .He and his family visited Koh Ker Temple and Lodge in June 10. Well completed in Oct 10.

Well 13 Donated by "The Kelly Family "  , in memory of Flo  and the Kelly & Sweeney Families,  Ireland.  Built in Thmeamcheat Village, Kantuot, Cham Ksan District,  Preah Vihear Province. New village 24kms from Preah Vihear Temple and settled by those displaced from Preah Vihear  Temple are   the community that lived on the top of the the mountain and at the base of the mountain,  Koh 1. Well completed in March 12

Well 14 Donated by The American School in Japan, Poverty Relief Force , Class of 2105,  Built in Thmeamcheat Village, Kantuot, Cham Ksan District,  Preah Vihear Province. New village 24kms from Preah Vihear Temple and settled by those displaced from Preah Vihear  Temple . This is the  community that lived on the top of the the mountain and at the base of the mountain,  Koh 1.    Second well coordinated by Ryan Synder ,  a US teenager living in Japan. He and his family visited Koh Ker  Jungle Temple in June 10.   Well completed in Mar 2012


Water Reservoir 15 Primary donors were the  the Villagers of Orston, Notts, England. Additional donors were Thomas Roberts, Athens,  Tennessee, USA & , Smith's at No. 4 and the people of Oundle, Cambs, England. Built in  Cnar Pa Ak Village, Sroyong Commune, Kulen Province , Preah Vihear District.  Located 10 kms  before Sroyong, 12kms in and down a dirt road. Its  a new village presently home to 300 families who had been using  two very old small small reservoirs that has built during Khmer Rouge times. 2 unsuccessful well drilling attempts in Dec 9 and Jan 10  meant a water reservoir was only option. Completed Feb10.


Well 16: Donated by Susan & Clarence Asbury, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA.  In Oct 26, 2013 , they  visited Koh Ker overnight and later donated a well to Phum Thmei Village,  Sroyong Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province . This  village  is in a  remote village located 4 kms beyond Koh Ker.  The donor sign reads " Built in honor of family and friends”. Completed in March 14

Well 17: Donated by Steve & Lyndel, Australia & UK, March, 2014. Build in Phum Chamress Village, Svay Leu Commune, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province. A remote village located about 25 kms form Svay Leu. Completed  in March 14


Well 18: Donated by Ya-Ning TUNG, Ya-Shan TUNG & I-Ming CHAN, Singapore, March, 2014. Built in Phum Chamress Village, Svay Leu Commune, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province. A remote village located about 25 kms form Svay Leu. Completed in March 14

Well 19: Donated by George Lau Family, Singapore, March, 2014. Built in Phum Dambok Khpuos Village, Ta Siem Commune, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province. A remote village located about 15 kms fromm Svay Leu . Completed in March 14


Well 20 Donated by Ann, Paddy and Fionn, Allira, Chris and Scott, Jenni. Ben, Sacha and Callum, Lyn and Rosco, Meridith and Paul, Susan Willis, Tim, Janine, Hugh, Oliver & Harriet, TWW Mildura, Steve & Lyndel.  “We have been so lucky to have had fresh water on tap all our lives. Built in Chum Reth Village,   Svay Leu Commune, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province. A remote village located about 25 kms from Svay Leu. Completed in  March 14.


 Well 21

Donated by Mr. Tino  Paschwitz and Manula , Germans guest living in  Horb am Neckar, Germany. Their well reads “May this water bring you Health & Happiness” . The well  has been built in the grounds of the local  school  of Phum Pyam , Phum Ankeng, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province.  Tino and  Manula  completed a dirt bike tour and stayed in  Koh Ker Jungle Lodge Homestay,  Koh Ker Village  in 2010.

                            Completed  in  March 2016

Well 22

Donated by  members of the ANZ GAMS team  in 55 Collins ST  Melbourne, Australia. “May this water bring you Health & Happiness” .  Built in Koh Ker Village, Srayong Commune, Kulean District, Preah VIhear Province .  Heard of project through previous clients who stayed in Koh Ker Jungle Lodge home stay in  2014.

Completed in  March 2016.



Water Reservoir  23  Donated by the Wenman Family, Surrey. “Best wishes from the Wenman Family, Surrey England”.  Built in Chack Sra Village, Srayong Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province.  Located  4 kms on the right  before Phum  O Pram Pean Village,   90 kms from  Siem  Reap  where over 100 families live. Completed in March 2017


Well Reservoir 24  & 25    Reservoir 1  - Donated by Lyndel Constain and Steve Denny.  1  reservoir  in memory of  Angel & Ewen Costain, Garfield, Victoria. “Two great travelers to whom we owe so much ” with love from Steve & Lyndel.                                      Reservoir 2  In memory of Angela & Ewen Costain of Garfield, Victoria  Australia with love from  Lyndel, Steve, Luke,Emily, Eva, Rachel, Jon and Iris"     Built in Cnar Pa Ak Village, Sroyong Commune, Kulen Province, Preah Vihear District.  Located 10 kms before Sroyong, 12kms in and down a dirt road. It’s a village presently home to 300 families who had been using two very old small reservoirs that were built during Khmer Rouge times and a newer one built here in by Hidden Cambodia groups of donors in   2010.

1 Completed in March 2017

Well 26: Donated by John Straham Family “Best wished from the John Straham Family”  Built in Kohka Thong Village, Sroyong Commune, Kulen Province, Preah Vihear District where 300 families live. Very difficult road to get in.  The village can be accessed from Koh Ker Village, traveling 18 kms to Rum Jake and then   traveling on another 6 kms east of Rum Jake of here again.Completed in March 2017

Well 27: Donated by Kate & Chris, Paddy, Anne & Fion, Tim, Janine, Hugh, Harriet & Oliver, Jinni, Ben, Sacha & Callum, Sue, Frank & Keren, Stewart & Michelle, Patsy & Humph, Pip & Ray, Nick & Jan. “We have been so lucky to have fresh water all our lives”  From Australia and UK.  Completed in March 2017

Well 28: Donated by Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg North, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Built in Koh Ker Village, Sroyong Commune, Kulen Province, Preah Vihear District.Built in one end of  Koh Ker Village  where 10 families who don’t have close access to water.   Serious shortage of water in this area   in 20 16 last year during worst drought in Cambodia in 50 years.  Completed in March 2017




 Other Humanitarian Efforts

March 2017 Road building &  improvement between  Koh Ker Vilage &  Phum Thmei Village.  Laurance Chan , from Hong Kong, a life long Humanitarian with many projects in cambodia . He donated funds to widen and  raise a  dirt road between two remote villages. It had become impassable  in the wet season,  restricting  school children &   even those of need of medical attention leaving the village. Completed Mar 2017  with tthe cooperation of the Heads  of the village  and PLF, a NGO working with the primary  school in Koh Ker

2008 Started coordinating the building of a rural school in O Pram Pean , Phum Ankeng, Svay Leu District. This head of the village in the small village of Phum Pyam, Phum Ankeng, Svay Leu District, Siem Reap Province asked for assistance to build a school.  Guests from  the Czech Republic  donated over $1, 000 to build a small wooden building with a  straw roof with desks, Bit by bit,  guests  traveling to Koh Ker stopped and dropped uniforms, books games, soaps, tooth paste, volley balls, chairs, clothes,  water filters, white boards and other items  as they traveled on their way to Koh Ker temple


In 2011, we twinned this school with the Shawl Early Act Rotary in Mechanicsburg,   USA   through  a previous cleint, Susan Ashbury . Hope that this will lead to perhaps a new building plus some toilets and a well. Completely New School built  by donor NGO  in 2015



September 04 - Ian From Sheffield made a kind donation of over 30 mosquito nets to be distributed in Siem Reap Province .  He had an eventful dirt biking week during the rainy season. One day was a full day by boat where there was no more road left, bike and all  - Chom Kissan to Tbang Meanchey!  Photos



November 04 – Rick Crabtree from Minneapolis , Minnesota rode with us for five days. Involved with the Khmer American community there, He kindly donated a medical supply boxsin Prasat Bakan and Koh Ker.  He started the well project with the first contribution


Nov 09 - Mrs. Hallinan, Salthill, Galway Ireland donated funds to supply blankets to the village of Phum Thmei during the cold season of Nov 09.


Other  regional humanitarian Cambodian Projects that we cooperate with .

Khampong Khleng Women' s cooperative  Making woven products from water hyacinths in their homes in a remote village on the banks of the Tonle Sap. 



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